jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

week 8

Moviendo Esperanzas

Their misión
"they are a Non-Profit Organization engaged in receiving and administrating donations to cover the needs of vulnerable groups."
Their visión
"they will be an international organization founded on principles with excellent service and administration of projects."
Their core believes
They believe in God Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as the primary source of happiness, hope and personal realization. They  believe we are to help those who need it most, respecting their beliefs, ideology, religions and culture.
They believe the solution for poverty does not consist only in giving to the people the resources they are lacking. The needs in the communities are determined through a community diagnosis. They promote social development with the participation of the church, private companies, organized groups and the local governmet .


They mobilize hundreds of volunteers per year. They partake in all the programs we develop around the year. Some of the volunteers are foreigners that come to the country on a short-term mission trip. We have local volunteers as well that serve either ongoing or temporarily in a specific task or proTheir regional teams are made out of voluntees that execute in their own communities each of the programs available. They also have volunteers that help in the main office with admin work, load/unload of containers, translation, etc. When having volunteers with medical knowledge, we set up medical clinics to provide free medical care to people without access to health services. We develop for example dental clinics and eyeglasses donations reaching over 100 people in a week.


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