viernes, 19 de junio de 2015



Hello, my name is Xikihu Varela, I am 24 years old and I'm from Venezuela, I came here to Costa Rica to study dentistry and because my dad has his work here. My hobbies are dancing and cooking, I love to do it, to my most important thing in the life of a human being is the family, my son is my light my raison to be  and my parents have always been very supportive to my in all aspects of my life.

I study Dentistry at Ulacit University, my career is very important for me,  I have been studying since 6 years, I have a title Dental Assistant, I have lasted much ending my career because  I had to register many subjects here that I had already seen in Venezuela and why I delayed a lot, my most difficult matter is English so far I realize the important thing is to get another language since childhood , in Venezuela previously was not important English and for this reason schools put no effort to teach and much less students in learning, I am now paying a high price for having this difficulty.

My favorite movies are, Heaven is for Real, fast and furious, life is beautiful, these films the I could see them all the days of my life, heaven is for Real is a story of real life where a child visit the heaven  without having died and in the village where he lives no one believes him, the father of the child is pastor of a Christian Church, and also questions of history that told his child , but as time passes the child shows you that what the says it is true and describes Jesus in a very different way to the paintings coming out on the internet, it is a beautiful story that enhances faith of humanity in God our heavenly father.


My dreams are a bit rare for my best thing that exists is to have a family, a home, a job, and live in peace and with the blessing of God every day, when I have no desire to get out of my bed I just I think is all of those goals I want to achieve and look in the eyes my son already put every morning the feet on the ground to fight for our dreams.


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