lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

week #3

Language learning experince

My experience was very bad with the learning english, my base in this subject is fatal, I had never given the importance to study a second language, now is different iI know that english is important for everything, for to get a better job, for to socialize with other people from other countries and other cultures. Now I can see the consequences of not having a second lenguaje.

I want to learn a second language, I have only my mother tongue and I want to speak English fluent and have linguistic ability to learn other languages that would be incredible. I think that some student´s spoken English is riddled with errors, for me is important the fluency and the pronunciation. I feel very nevous about giving presentations in English, I need more practice, exercises in english, I can see programs of T.V in english but  I don´t know off the top of my head, what is most effective for learning English.

Mini Project 1

 The teacher assigned articles about the importance of learning another language and we had to expose them to the class.
 My article was about of bilingual acquisitions.
 Language acquisition is an everyday and yet magical feat of childhood. Within three to five years, virtually all children become fully competent in at least one language.
1. Learning two languages in childhood is difficult and can result in delays in language development.
Children who have regular and rich exposure to both languages on a daily or weekly basis from parents and other caregivers exhibit the same milestones in language development and at roughly the same ages as monolingual children.
2. Bilingual children have less exposure to each of their languages than monolingual children. As a result, they never master either language fully and, compared to monolingual children, they never become as proficient.
Bilingual children can acquire the same proficiency in all aspects of their two languages over time as monolingual children even though they usually have less exposure to each language. Bilingual children acquire the same proficiency in the phonological and grammatical aspects of their two languages as monolingual children do in their one language, provided they are given regular and substantial exposure to each.
3. Young bilingual children can't keep their languages separate; they use both at the same time; they are obviously confused.
At some stage, most bilingual children use sounds and words from both languages in the same utterances or conversations even though the people talking with them are using only one language. Some parents and early childhood educators are concerned when they hear this because they believe that it means that the child is confused and cannot separate the two languages. Research shows that this is not true. The main reason for children mixing their languages in these ways is because they lack sufficient vocabulary in one or both languages to express themselves entirely in each language. Thus, they borrow from the other language. Indeed, this is an effective communication strategy in most families because parents and other adults who care for bilingual children usually understand both languages and may mix the languages themselves when talking with the child.
4. Using both languages in the same sentence or conversation is bad. Parents can discourage and even prevent their children from doing this by making sure that each of them uses one and only one language with their child at all times. The same goes for other adults who interact with the child.
Research has shown that most bilingual children mix their languages sometimes no matter how much their parents mix, for the reasons mentioned earlier. 
5. What are the most important things for parents or early childhood educators to know about early childhood bilingualism?

There are number of important things to keep in mind:
  • bilingual acquisition is a common and normal childhood experience
  • all children are capable of learning two languages in childhood
  • knowing the language of one's parents is an important and essential component of children's cultural identity and sense of belonging
  • bilingual acquisition is facilitated if children have sustained, rich, and varied experiences in both languages
  • proficiency in both languages is more likely if children have sustained exposure in the home to the language that is used less extensively in the community; the language that is used more widely will get support outside the home
  • parents can facilitate bilingual proficiency by using the language they know best and by using it in varied and extensive ways

Mini Project 2
Why should people learn to speak a second language in CR?

 Speak more than one language is an advantage for many professionals as the world becomes increasingly globalized. Therefore international companies require a capital most skilled human and more than one language domain definitely opens more doors. 
  • speak with other people of other country
  • betters Jobs
  • travel around the world
  • easy socialization
  • brain exercised
  • more desire to continue studying other lenguages


viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

Goals and achivements

Passive voice

During the class we did a game where we had to guess the word that was on the computer and a person  described and gave tracks of the object, the team had to guess the object and make the sentence in passive voice. The game was fun and served to go breaking the ice between the members of the class, these games seem didactic and fun.


Another activity that we did was to select a topic about the objectives and goals that we want to achieve and how we can do it, in my case talking about putting dates on the goals we want to achieve, this issue seemed important because if we put date to all that we want to achieve greater effort and have to do everything to meet the goal as scheduled.

At work outside the classroom make a dialogue with the vocabulary of the unit we also perform an oral presentation of our goals and the challenges that have to face in life, to achieve the goals must have a good attitude, positive thinking and give the face of to the challenges.

 This video is how to use the present perfect, if we hear the songs and practice to learn how to use the grammar will be easier.
Use the present perfect to describe something that happened:
- during a period that includes past and present.
- in the past but when the exact time isn´t relevant to this discussion or isn´t known.
-in the past but has a result or efffect in the present
-in the very recent past especially with just.



Hello, my name is Xikihu Varela, I am 24 years old and I'm from Venezuela, I came here to Costa Rica to study dentistry and because my dad has his work here. My hobbies are dancing and cooking, I love to do it, to my most important thing in the life of a human being is the family, my son is my light my raison to be  and my parents have always been very supportive to my in all aspects of my life.

I study Dentistry at Ulacit University, my career is very important for me,  I have been studying since 6 years, I have a title Dental Assistant, I have lasted much ending my career because  I had to register many subjects here that I had already seen in Venezuela and why I delayed a lot, my most difficult matter is English so far I realize the important thing is to get another language since childhood , in Venezuela previously was not important English and for this reason schools put no effort to teach and much less students in learning, I am now paying a high price for having this difficulty.

My favorite movies are, Heaven is for Real, fast and furious, life is beautiful, these films the I could see them all the days of my life, heaven is for Real is a story of real life where a child visit the heaven  without having died and in the village where he lives no one believes him, the father of the child is pastor of a Christian Church, and also questions of history that told his child , but as time passes the child shows you that what the says it is true and describes Jesus in a very different way to the paintings coming out on the internet, it is a beautiful story that enhances faith of humanity in God our heavenly father.


My dreams are a bit rare for my best thing that exists is to have a family, a home, a job, and live in peace and with the blessing of God every day, when I have no desire to get out of my bed I just I think is all of those goals I want to achieve and look in the eyes my son already put every morning the feet on the ground to fight for our dreams.


Week 1

In class contribution

During the class we work a lot with the technique of talking, asking questions to "Steve Jobs" and saw a video of he in the Stanford University.

Steve Jobs

1.   Do you think that the first set of prospective adoptive parents who declined to adopt Steve Jobs because they wanted a girl ever came to regret their decision? Why or why not?

I think yes, because Steve Jobs was a genius and not to who have a genuis as son, he never give up always went a head despite the circumstances.

2.    Jobs tells his audience to “live each day as if it were your last.”  What do you think of that advice? Is it realistic for most people? If today were the last day of your life, how would you want to live it?

“LIVE DAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST” is a complicated sentences because people can take it wrong away, for me is important live day as if it were my last for can be best person every day, give all the love  that I have for my child and work hard for my goals, trusting in God that if the last day I would come to his arms and could see loved ones that they already with He. 

3.    Which of the three stories that Jobs tells in his speech resonates with you the most? Why?

I liked the first story, connect the points with past experiences and everything will have a sense in the present. All human beings come into this world with a purpose, we can never stop dreaming and can never lose faith that the good is about to happen and that success depends on ourselves.

4.     What do you think about the following quote: “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.  Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. (Steve Jobs, 2005)”

I think it is not necessary to know that we are sick or dying to be able to créate change in our lives, in my opinion one should do things well always and never give up, always strive for dreams.

5.    How can you apply what you learned from the speech, in-class discussions and activities in both your personal and professional life?

I think the most important thing that learned and that left me this speech and seen in class is to be a persistent person, fighter,  someone who every day  out of the bed eager to eat the world, relying more every day  on God and give the best of me for to feel satisfied.


My achievement goals

The goals in my personal life are, grow up in my spirituall life, I want to marry, help to my son to meet his activities, this is of great importance for me because it is my time to asume responsabilities and from a home, also hope to be able to get a job par time.

In my career goals are less complicated because Im a bit advanced in my studies, it is important for finish the level of english because it is the key to continue with the career, it is also important for to get knowledge wich are how scarce, graduating it is a big achievement and I need it.

To achieve all these goals, I need to get more money, better grades, invest more time in studying english. The challanges will be many but they are not imposible to fold, in order to achieve all my goals I have to be a positive and responsable person, have a good attitude.